China Super Engineering - Future Landscapes Undergraduate - More About Science, Engineering & Technology in China

Future Landscapes in China Set to Take Center Stage

In previous post on the subject of "Engineering", I highlighted some completed mega projects in China as well as on going mega projects that had made the world envy about their infrastructure developments. China is set to take its super engineering projects to a greater height with many large scale projects in the pipeline. 

Since the formation of People's Republic of China, China engineering and technology have developed rapidly and trained large number of skilled engineering and technicians in many disciplines. These professionals have played a significant role in the development of its economy and became the 2nd biggest economy in the world. Today, some of the world's biggest and most expensive infrastructure projects are in China. 

China is the largest producer of engineering graduates in the world. Government of China is set to continue with its efforts to train and educate highly creative and competent engineers and technicians in the continuous improvement of quality of life for all Chinese and in the advancement of science and technology around the world. 

In years to come, China is set to take the center stage again after successfully hosted the prestige Olympics 2008, Shanghai World Expo 2010 and will reshape the world by storm with many of its infrastructure projects and its foreign policies.   

1. 成都·绿地中心,项目已动工,外立面真的吊炸天!(Green Center,Chengdu)
2. 宁波·曼哈顿集团总部(新加坡)(Ningbo Manhattan HQ, Singapore)

3. 深圳·平安集团总部 (Ping An Group HQ in Shenzhen)
660米的平安集团总部大楼建成之后将很有可能成为中国第一高楼 (after completion, tallest building in China with 660 meters)
4. 上海·虹桥 (Shanghai Hongqiao)
5. 北京·通州彩虹之门 (Beijing-Tongzhou Rainbow Gate)
6. 杭州·来福士双子塔 (Raffles City, Hangzhou Twin Towers)
7. 天津·周大福金融中心 (Chow Tai Fook Financial Center in Tianjin)
8. 广州·广州日报文化中心 (Guangzhou Daily Cultural Center, Guangzhou)
9. 长沙·中联重科总部 (Zoomlion HQ in Changsha)
10. 芜湖·长江之歌建筑群 (Song of Yangtze River, Wuhu)
11.武汉·绿地中心 (Greenland Center in Wuhan)
12. 武汉·华润公馆 (Hua Rong Condo, Wuhan)
13. 北京·中国尊 (China Zun, Beijing)
14. 常州·花博会建筑群 (Flower Expo Buildings, Changzhou)
15. 合肥·坝上街环球中心双子塔WFC (Bashangjie Twin Towers Global Center, Hefei)
16. 北京·奥园瞭望塔(生命树)(Beijing, Olympic Park Watchtower - Tree of Life)吊炸天的建筑!!主体已建好,明年可开业!
17. 济南·绿地中心(Jinan, Green Center)
18. 北京·汇丰银行中国总部 (HSBC, Beijing HQ)
19. 宁波·慈溪香格国际广场 53层 (Ningbo Cixi Shangri International Plaza, 53-story)
20. 广州·华南港航服务中心 (South China Port service center in Guangzhou)
21. 南京·青奥中心双塔 (Youth Olympic Center in Nanjing)
22. 三亚·亚特兰蒂斯酒店 (Atlantis Hotel, Sanya)
23. 青岛·青岛新机场 (Qingdao New Airport, Qingdao)
24. 厦门·杏林湾营运中心 (Xiamen Xinglin Bay Operations Center)
25. 三亚·水居巷酒店群 (Sanya, Water Habitant Lane Hotel Group)
More references about Global Influence of China

1. When China Rules the World

2. China Global Influence Continues to Rise

3. Africa-China Economic Relations

4. China's Influence In Latin America is Increasing

5. Charm offensive: The way China influences the world

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Level 35-02, Q Sentral, 2A Jalan Stesen Sentral 2, KL Sentral, 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
+60 12 380 0501 (KY Lee)                            (WhatsApp and WeChat ID - ky_lee7 available)      wecharwhatsapp

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